Future Me, October 2022

I started this series of posts at the end of October 2018. I had just cut back my hours, and wanted to use my new free time wisely. Some of that time was to relax, but I also wanted to improve my fitness, make my home a more pleasant place to stay, and work on becoming a more well-rounded human being.

Over time, I also been thinking about these projects as preparing for retirement life, though that might be years away. Building a better life now, and getting ready for a life without scheduled work, seem worthy of my attention and efforts now.

My last update was in June 2022, after a 6-month gap; I am hoping that more frequent updates will keep me on track.

So, what progress did I make over the past 3 months?


Getting to retirement in bad shape doesn’t sound like a great time. I have hopes that once I am in retirement, I can become fitter, but I realize I can’t wait that long to take care of my body. So one of my goals–the one I have probably focused most on–is to get more exercise while I am still working.

My goals have changed over the years. The original goal was to get 150 minutes a week of exercise, with plans to ramp up my strength training (see: CDC guidelines for exercise). Over time, I decided I wanted to increase my exercise time; however, it became clear that I just can’t exercise as much during my weeks working in the hospital. So I set a two-tiered goal, of 90 minutes a week when working in the hospital; 150 minutes a week (including strength training).

After a little bit of adjustment, that is still my exercise goal, though I would love to have the time and energy to do more: more aerobic work, more strength training, more stretching.

How did I do?

It has become abundantly clear to me that I do better when I have a lesson: it’s a reliable exercise buddy who I won’t blow off unless I really have to.

This summer, I added tennis lessons to my training sessions. Two lessons a week (tennis and strength training) does start to get pricey, but I choose to believe my health is worth it.

An illustration of 2 knights on horseback, ready for a tournament
Exercise buddies are key for my success.

In the past 14 weeks, I have spent 2 working in the hospital and 12 doing my usual clinic work.

I totally failed to meet my exercise goals while working in the hospital (with July interns).

Of the other 12 weeks, I met my exercise goals in 8 of them. I note that in 3 of the 4 weeks that I missed, I still got some sort of exercise for at least 2 hours, which is better than usual.

I will say I did pretty well.

Going forward, I think I will keep my time goals (150 minutes/90 minutes), and work on getting more than 30 minutes most weeks of strength training. The key will be figuring out how to get my exercise in when the weather is not conducive. If my tennis lessons can continue indoors, that will be a huge help; otherwise, I will have to explore video work outs a little more faithfully than I managed last winter.

Clear the Clutter

My hope is to start retirement with a (mostly) decluttered home. The thought of having to spend several years shoveling out my house in order to enjoy it is… dispiriting.

For most of the past year, I have had a collection of smaller tasks to finish off. My goal for the last quarter was flexible. I just wanted to finish any one of these projects:

  • Clear out the linen closet.
  • Tidy up the 2 guest closets (which have been each cleared out in the past year, and promptly filled up again).
  • Clear another shelf’s worth of books from my collection (25 books, or so) to make room for the ones that are being acquired.
  • Clear my desk to make room for a piano.

How did I do?

No single goal was completed.

However, I have made significant inroads on clearing my desk area, and the linen closet. And, just last week, Mr. PiN purchased some hooks that will help organize one of the guest closets.

My goal for the fall will be to finish off at least 3 of these 5 projects. Based on my summer schedule, this would be easy; but I do have some vacation and a lot of hospital time coming up, which may make completing my goals more challenging.

Connecting with friends and family

I know that seeing friends and family makes me very happy; it is actually good for one’s health, too. This section was a reminder to me to get out and spend time with people I love.

Masked and veiled Venetians from the 1700s get into a gondola, with many people looking on.
Keeping up with your friends really is important. Assuming you can recognize them despite their costumes.

I still worry about COVID (it’s still a pain to call off work, and then figure out how to make it up later), but I was hoping to see some people in person over the summer, probably in outdoor settings. I thought shooting for once a month would be fair, with a stretch goal of twice a month (or 6 times over the summer).

How did I do?

I kept up with Zoom calls nearly every week.

I played internet bridge with my dad and his friends (only) once. I am still waiting for my invitation to come back.

I met up with one group of Zoom friends for dinner outside. We had not all been together since March 2020!

Of my other group of Zoom friends, one came for dinner, and another came over for afternoon coffee and a chat at least once when it was warm enough to sit on the porch.

As for family, my sister-in-law stayed with us once, for a great visit. And we visited with my parents a few weeks ago.

On the whole, I think this was a successfully social summer.

Going forward, my goal would be to keep up with my Zoom calls; average one in-person social event per month (so, 3 before the end of the year); and, this fall, to get my holiday cards out before the end of 2022. Before December 21 would be my stretch goal.

Local Adventures

I haven’t been making firm plans anything, as our COVID transmission in the area is still pretty high.

However, I did go out with Mr. PiN for a museum date and a restaurant lunch since my last Future Me update.

At least one of the local museums has an interesting exhibit coming soon. I would like to make the time to see it, if I can.


Reading fiction makes me very happy. When I don’t read for a while, it makes me very cranky. I decline to set a goal for overall reading (X books in Y months) to avoid spoiling my reading time. Mostly, I read books that I think will make me happy.

I do also want to work on reading “worthy” books. I have been working on reading either classics or some of the high brow books my friends and family gift me. My goal for this period was to finish Americanah and to start on another book–either a classic or one given to me by family.

I still haven’t finished that book. However, if I acknowledge that this section is to force me to try books I wouldn’t choose for myself, I will say that I read (start to finish) a very challenging book for a work project. I would consider that a success for this section. As for Americanah, there’s always next check-in.

Creative Activities

I realize that although I listed more crafty/arty projects here, what I really wanted to do was use different, and maybe new, skills. Different from work, anyway.

I had three goals for this period:

  1. Finish a photo book for any of the following years: 2018, 2019, 2020.
  2. Continue knitting, or possibly restart quilting.
  3. Keep blogging.
  4. Consider watching some courses on Masterclass (I received a subscription for the year).

I kept knitting, and blogging, though the blogging has definitely slowed down this year.

The baby blanket is finally finished, thanks to my mom who helped with the ends. In July I bought some yarn for a new project, probably a scarf or two. I have started it twice, and torn it out twice. I think that’s making progress, though.

Going forward, I suspect working on these 4 fields will still be challenging for me. We’ll see how I do.

Financial tasks

I had goal for this period: to invest the money in our IRAs.

It didn’t happen.

Given the stock volatility, I suppose I might still be able to rationalize my laziness. But, really, that old mantra of “time in the markets” still applies.

Part of the issue is my doubt about my investment allocations. I am overweight in stocks if I am hoping to retire in the next few years; and, yet, after years of investing in the stock market, I am having a hard time put money in a Roth account anywhere else.

For next check in, that money needs to be invested. It might even be in a stock index fund, if I can’t bring myself to put it in bonds.


In short, my updated goals are to:

  • Make sure I meet my exercise goals, even as winter approaches.
  • Knock out some of my tidying projects, socialize weekly via Zoom, knit a new scarf, get the holiday cards done before winter solstice, socialize with friends a few times, and maybe see a museum exhibit.
  • Finish at least one challenging book, while also reading plenty of fun stuff.
  • Get the 2022 Roth fund invested.

What goals do you hope to work on before the end of 2022?