Fitness Log #230, Some Fabulousness, And My Monthly Goals Check-In

I have been keeping track of my exercise every Friday for 4 years, and plan to continue doing so.

My Future Me posts have been postponed well past 3-4 months a few times in the recent past, enough that I forgot about some of my goals that I was (supposedly) working on. We will see if a monthly check-in might help me stay focused.

Fitness Log

The goal is to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise, of which (ideally) 60 minutes should build strength (yoga counts); if I am working in the hospital, my goal is just 90 minutes, which is a more realistic stretch during those busy days.

How did I do?

  • Saturday:  An afternoon walk, 20 minutes.
  • Sunday:  I felt generally unwell today, and so missed out on an opportunity to take a walk in what looked like nice weather. Very sad. Instead, I worked on my taxes (sadder).
  • Monday: A walk part way home (20 minutes) and a work out with my trainer (30 minutes).
  • Tuesday: A walk part way home, for 20 minutes.
  • Wednesday: My tennis teacher had to cancel our lesson. All throughout the day I was wondering how/when/if I was going to get an hour’s worth of exercise in. Mr. PiN and I went to the tennis courts, but it was blustery, and we gave up after 20 minutes; I had him drop me off in my favorite walking neighborhood, and I got an extra 17 minutes walking before coming inside, where I enjoyed our central heating and (mostly) draft-proof windows.
  • Thursday: A walk part-way home, 20 minutes.
  • Friday: I was not interested in a walk, or a video workout. But, I finally did my PT–partly to get it done, partly to make my weekly time goal.

Total: 97 minutes walking, 30 minutes strength training, 20 minutes tennis (or chasing balls blown by the wind), and 4 minutes PT. 151 minutes (just squeaking in) to make my goals. Except for the part where I was supposed to do my PT exercises 3 times this week.

Some Fabulous News

I had a meeting regarding my contract for next year. Despite cutting back on some clinical work, I (probably) will not see a pay cut. In fact, I may even see a small rise in my paycheck.

Also fabulous, though not entirely unexpected, the daffodils are blooming!

A stylized sketch of a bunch of daffodils, flanked by calla lilies.

Monthly Round Up

  • Exercise goals (150 minutes per week; but only 90 minutes when working on the hospital wards): Achieved in 3 of the 4 weeks.
  • PT goals (do at least 3 days a week): This started only 3 weeks ago. I managed to meet my goal in 2 of the 3 weeks.
  • Clutter goals (declutter my office bookshelves, make room for a piano in the living room): I have two built-in floor-to-ceiling bookshelves in my office, all have accumulated “things” (papers, pretty ornaments, extra books) in front of the shelved books. I cleared one of the floor-to-ceiling shelves of the extra things, which fill several small boxes. The shelves look much better; I still have to figure out what to do with items I cleared…
  • Local Adventures: None.
  • MSKAP (2 study sessions per month with my friend, or read through one topic on my own): Spent an afternoon with B, finishing up Gen Med 2. B came over to visit twice more, “to do MKSAP,” but somehow no study was completed. Though we did discuss some cases, so I suppose there was some educational content.
  • Social activity (one in-person activity per month). Just the MKSAP session(s). And my usual weekly video calls.

I hope you have had a good week as well. Feel free to share any fabulous news of your own.